Sunday, September 27, 2015

1 Samuel 10:6

Samuel takes a vial of oil and anoints Saul as the first King of Israel.  Samuel then tells Saul that on his journey he will be provided two loaves of bread from three men in the plain of Tabor.  After that Samuel tells Saul that when he arrives at the hill of God, which is actually his hometown called Gibeah, that a group of prophets will meet him there. These prophets are also musicians as a great choir plays as they come down the hill toward Saul. When they reach Saul they begin to preach to him and one of the prophets tells Saul that when the Spirit of the LORD comes upon him, that he would start preaching too. Here is the need in our country: For Spirit filled men of God who will preach! Amen! There is something interesting that the prophet also tells Saul and that is that he would be turned into another man. You see when you are filled with the Holy Spirit of God you are a different person. Others will notice. The anointing of the Spirit of God changes a person. That anointing brings power, holiness, boldness, influence and confidence in almighty God!  The old man will be locked up and the new man will have full control. You will look different, act different, live different and see different! Here is the great need for preachers and church members alike to be filled with the Spirit of God! Come on now, lets get back to Spirit filled Christianity where the power of God is evident and where lives are changed! Amen!!!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Nehemiah 4:1-6

After the Jews returned from the Babylonian captivity, under the leadership of Nehemiah they began a huge project of rebuilding the wall.  During their course of rebuilding the wall they experience opposition. A man by the name of Sanballat was furious and began mocking the Jews to discourage them from continuing to build. Then came a man by the name of Tobiah and he attempted to also discourage the Jews from building the wall, by saying that if a fox were to jump on top of it, that it would surely crumble to the ground. Nehemiah wisely responded by prayer in order to encourage the workers to continue and to ask for God's strength.  After that prayer they continued to built and in just fifty two days they finished the wall. It is said of the workers in verse six that "the people had a mind to work."  Our church is currently taking on a huge task of painting our building. This old building needs a lot of prep work before paint can even be applied, it is a huge job. Yesterday a man named Allen and I were working hard and looking at the task ahead of us we could have easily let discouragement settle in. I believe the highlight of the day was when Allen had enough wisdom to ask me to pray for strength. We stood along the side of the highway in front of the church and prayed and then went to work. Needless to say we barely scratched the surface on the huge project, but if we continue to have a mind to work and with the help of others I believe we can finish it. In life we are going to face opposition the secret lies in having a spirit of prayer and a mind to just keep on working! Whatever issue you are working on in your life the answer is seeking God through prayer and a perseverance to just not quit!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Psalm 9:15-20

All aboard! My son loves trains. This past summer we took a train to the city and he enjoyed a whole bunch.  A couple of times we have been to an amusement park where there was a train ride and he was so eager to go on it.  There is however another train that I wish we could avoid and that it is the train ride that our nation is currently on.  America is on a fast track towards Hell. No longer can we except God to put up with our sin and wickedness. The Bible says "Blessed is the nation whose God is Lord," and for many years we could claim that verse. Today that is no longer true "The Lord" has become a curse word in our country and those who claim Him as Saviour are the bad guys. Our country is ready to perish for any nation that forgets God has that destiny! It is time for us to wake up or there will be another 9-11 in our country, but it will be much worse than what terrorists could do, it will be God's hand of judgement!  It is time all Christians stand strong and firm in their beliefs and pray for God's mercy or Lord Jesus come quickly!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Matthew 11:28-30

Tomorrow is Labor Day! This holiday in our area is known for the conclusion of the summer vacation. The county fair ends on this day and the break from school as well. Most people will enjoy the day off resting, having a cookout and say goodbye to summer. This holiday was created for workers to enjoy a special day off.  In 1894, many states had adopted the holiday in honor of workers, and on June 28 of that year, Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday in the District of Columbia and the territories.  Our Lord has given us a weekly day off called the Sabbath in which we have time to rest from our labors, but here in this verse we see another special way to have rest from our work.  In this life there are many troubles and burdens in which we must carry, but God in his love and mercy has granted us an invitation to come unto him and take His yoke upon us in order that he may pull our weight. The trials and cares you carry will be borne with His help and grace.  Today take the time to rest in God's strength and provisions.  May God bless you as we make the transition into the Fall months.