Lamentations 3:22,23
Jeremiah also known as the weeping prophet is overlooking the destruction of Jerusalem. In this book he expresses his intense sorrow and pain over the devastation. Sin always brings sorrow! The pleasures of sin may be enjoyed for a season but no one can escape the consequences of sin forever. Jeremiah explains how he felt over the sin and devastation of Israel by seeing God as an enemy. God always brings chastisement upon His people over sin, but this time it was extreme that it was as if it had been a rival arch enemy that had destroyed them. As Jeremiah laments, an amazing transition takes place in chapter three. As he remembers God's goodness and recalls the source of his hope, his view of the circumstance change. Now he see's God's mercy and faithfulness in all of it. He could be dead! Israel could be extinct! Instead Jeremiah see's the compassion of God. Thank God for His mercy! Thank God He is always faithful! Amen! His mercy never fails to be seen. His mercy never fails to deliver us. His mercy never fails to lead us. His mercy never fails to protect us. His mercy never fails to forget us. Great is Thy Faithfulness!