Ephesians 1:5,6 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
As we have previously said it is important to keep God's divine order intact. That order is as follows: First Foreknowledge, Second Election, Third Predestination. Why is this the right order? Remember predestination is God carrying out what He has already determined or chosen. Predestination is an action of God but before an act there has to be a decision or a choice. Now we come to the crux of the matter what was behind God's choice or God's election? Foreknowledge. Before the world was created, before Genesis 1:1, God existed in eternity pass. Since God was perfectly existing with ALL of His attributes, then before He ever performed one act, foreknowledge existed. Foreknowledge has to be first. God's foreknowledge is inextricably linked to His Omniscience and therefore an attribute of God. In other words it is a part of His nature, it is who He is! Foreknowledge is first! Before the world existed, before God did any act, He already knew each and every believer by name. God simply had prior knowledge of who in their own God given free will would choose to believe given the chance. Now listen, it is impossible for God to go against His nature. God could only elect and predestine in agreement with what He foreknew. God never did elect and predestine someone unto adoption who chose not to believe, nor could He. God acted in total agreement with what He knew beforehand. Foreknowledge was first! Election and predestination stem from God's foreknowledge. God did not randomly choose who to elect and predestine. No man is a robot pre-programmed by God to believe or made to believed. Calvinism is heresy! It is God's good pleasure and His will to adopt all those who believe and accept Christ. It praises the glory of His grace. His unmerited favor upon us is exalted due to the fact that we are accepted. The reason that a Holy God can accept sinners is because they are in the beloved. In Matthew 3:17, the Father's response to Jesus baptism was: "And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." As believers we are in Christ and for that reason are accepted and valued in the sight of God. When we in our own free will believe on Christ we are accepted in Him by the Father. The Father accepts us as His own due to the righteousness we have in Christ. Listen to me now, this world is in a mess! Every individual has a genuine need for love and acceptance, but people go to all the wrong places to find it. It is only in Christ where we can find true love and acceptance! What this world needs in order to deal with the rejection that we all have experience is found in the person of Jesus Christ! He is the answer! Dear Christian friend don't find your identity in your appearance, performance or possessions. Find your identity in Jesus! God accepts those in Christ! What an adoption. Now as adopted children we can experience the love of the Father, which is perfect love. No rejection! He accepts me in the beloved!
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